Jhandewalas Foods IPO

Jhandewalas Foods IPOBusiness description – Jhandewalas Foods is currently involved in manufacturing of ghee. It is also a manufacturer of mangodi on job work basis and the marketer of Poha, Saffron and Dalia. These products are marketed under its own brand name “Naman’s” and “Godhenu”. Currently, the company has a one manufacturing unit, located at Jaipur, Rajasthan. The unit is well equipped with machineries and other handling equipment to facilitate smooth manufacturing process. Along with this, the unit also has an in-house laboratory for testing the quality of products. As on date of the prospectus, the company has employed 84 employees (including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled).

Promoters of Jhandewalas Foods – Raakesh B. Kulwal and Jinko Devi Koolwal

Jhandewalas Foods IPO details
Subscription Dates 29 December 2017 – 4 January 2018
IPO Price band INR55 per share
Fresh issue 2,910,000 shares (INR16 crore)
Offer for sale Nil
Total IPO size 2,910,000 shares (INR16 crore)
Minimum bid (lot size) 2,000 shares
Face Value  INR10 per share
Retail Allocation 50%
Listing On BSE SME platform

Use of funds

  • Funding of working capital requirements – INR15.33 crore
  • Issue Expenses – INR0.67 crore
Jhandewalas Foods’ consolidated financial performance (in INR crore)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Q1 FY2018
Total revenue 115.9 152.0 141.5 142.8 148.7 33.8
Total expenses 115.0 150.2 139.2 141.2 144.8 32.9
Profit after tax 0.8 1.2 1.8 0.9 2.4 0.6

Jhandewalas Foods Limited
B-70, 1st Floor, Upasana House
Janta Store, Bapu Nagar
Jaipur- 302015

Phone: +91 141 2703 309
Email: cs.jfpl@namans.co.in
Website: www.jhandewalas.com

Day Subscription (no. of times)
Day 1 1.14
Day 2 2.78
Day 3 5.48
Day 4 14.74
Day 5 264.25

Earnings Per Share (EPS): INR7.62

Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio: 7.22

Return on Net Worth (RONW): 17.94%

Net Asset Value (NAV): INR42.48 per share

Bigshare Services Private Limited 
E2, Ansa Industrial Estate, Sakivihar Road,
Sakinaka, Andheri (E),
Mumbai – 400 072

Phone: +91 22 4043 0200 
+91 22 2847 5201
Website: www.bigshareonline.com

Jhandewalas Foods IPO allotment status is now available on Bigshare Services’ website. Click on this link to get allotment status.

IPO Opening Date: 29 December 2017

IPO Closing Date: 4 January 2018

Listing Date: 12 January 2018

Listing Price on BSE SME: INR66 per share (up 20% from IPO price)

Closing Price on BSE SME: INR66 per share (up 20% from IPO price)


  1. Profit is shown as 2.4 Crore for FY17. At PE of 7.22, company market cap will be 17.3 crore, but they are seeking an valuation of 56 crore. Please explain the gap.

  2. Jhandewala foods allotment done..Pls. tell listing date…i want to sell one application….Pls. interested person call me Mo. 8200418340….


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