Taylormade Renewables IPO

Taylormade Renewables IPOBusiness description – Taylormade Renewables is primarily engaged in providing renewable energy solutions. Its specialization is in manufacturing of Solar Parabolic Concentrating Systems for steam generation used in steam cooking and other industrial application, direct or in-direct heating, including solar air-conditioning, and solar space heating, solar drying, solar waste water evaporation and many more applications requiring thermal energy. The company uses parabolic static focus and moving focus technology that concentrate solar radiation by automatically tracking the sun and using the thermal energy. The company is also a manufacturer of Solar Dish Cooker, Solar Box Cooker, Solar Dryer, Biomass cook stoves and biomass gasifiers, air source heat pumps, solar thermic fluid cooking system, evacuated tube collectors with and without CPC reflector.

Promoters of Taylormade Renewables – Dharmendra Gor, Neera Gor and Jayesh Shah
Taylormade Renewables IPO details
Subscription Dates 22 – 27 March 2018
IPO Price band INR35 per share
Fresh issue 3,240,000 shares (INR11.34 crore)
Offer for sale Nil
Total IPO size 3,240,000 shares (INR11.34 crore)
Minimum bid (lot size) 4,000 shares
Face Value  INR10 per share
Retail Allocation 50%
Listing On BSE SME platform
Use of funds
  • Working Capital Requirements – INR7.91 crore
  • General Corporate Purposes – INR2.7 crore
  • Issue Expenses – INR0.73 crore
Taylormade Renewables’ financial performance (in INR lakh)
FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 9M FY2018
Total revenue 108.4 245.4 840.8 1,210.8 1,819.1 1,897.7
Total expenses 106.9 241.0 836.5 1,200.0 1,753.1 1,720.1
Profit after tax 1.0 3.0 3.1 7.4 45.4 129.0
Taylormade Renewables’ Contact Details

Taylormade Renewables Limited
705, Shapath – II , Opp. Rajpath Club
S.G. Road, Bodakdev
Ahmedabad – 380054

Phone: +91 79 4004 0888
Email: cs@tss-india.com
Website: www.trlindia.com

Taylormade Renewables IPO Subscription Details
Day Subscription (no. of times)
Day 1 0.01
Day 2 0.07
Day 3 0.35
Day 4 1.18
Taylormade Renewables Valuation (Latest FY)

Earnings Per Share (EPS): INR7.33

Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio: 4.78

Return on Net Worth (RONW): 42.95%

Net Asset Value (NAV): INR23.50 per share

Registrar of Taylormade Renewables IPO

Bigshare Services Private Limited 
E2, Ansa Industrial Estate, Sakivihar Road,
Sakinaka, Andheri (E)
Mumbai – 400 072

Phone: +91 22 4043 0200 
+91 22 2847 5201
Website: www.bigshareonline.com

Taylormade Renewables IPO Allotment Status

Taylormade Renewables IPO allotment status is now available on Bigshare Services’ website. Click on this link to get allotment status.

Listing performance of Taylormade Renewables

IPO Opening Date: 22 March 2018

IPO Closing Date: 27 March 2018

Listing Date: 6 April 2018

Listing Price on BSE SME: INR36 per share (up 2.85% from IPO price)

Closing Price on BSE SME: INR37.8 per share (up 8% from IPO price)


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