UH Zaveri IPO

UH Zaveri IPOBusiness description – UH Zaveri has been incorporated as a gems & jewellery company. The company’s business operations are divided into two divisions. One division of its business operations is into wholesale and retail of jewellery and the second division is into trading of jewellery. The company mainly sells gold jewellery and marginal percentage of its revenue is earned through silver jewellery and other kind of jewellery and utensils. The company does not manufacture its own jewellery and hence, the making of its jewellery is outsourced. However, the jewellery sold by it is either designed in house or through 3-D jewellery designer or by third party designers.

Promoters of UH Zaveri – Mr Hitesh M Shah, Mr Mahendrakumar H Shah and Mrs Sunitaben H Shah
UH Zaveri IPO details
Subscription Dates 8 – 14 May 2018
IPO Price band INR36 per share
Fresh issue 2,220,000 shares (INR7.99 crore)
Offer for sale Nil
Total IPO size 2,220,000 shares (INR7.99 crore)
Minimum bid (lot size) 3,000 shares
Face Value  INR10 per share
Retail Allocation 50%
Listing On BSE SME platform
Use of funds
  • Working Capital Requirements – INR7.74 crore
  • Issue Expenses – INR0.25 crore
UH Zaveri’s financial performance (in INR lakh)
10M FY2018
Total revenue 1,389.3
Total expenses 1,288.7
Profit after tax 74.7
UH Zaveri’s Contact Details

UH Zaveri Limited
GF/2, Manish Complex, Indrajit Tenaments
Opp. Diamond Mill, Nikol Road
Ahmedabad – 382 350

Phone: +91 79 2270 3991
Email: uhzl.compliance@gmail.com
Website: www.uhzaveri.com

UH Zaveri IPO Subscription Details
Day Subscription (no. of times)
Day 1 0.56
Day 2 1.29
Day 3 1.35
Day 4 1.69
Day 5  2.68
UH Zaveri Valuation (for 10M FY2018)

Earnings Per Share (EPS): INR1.92

Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio: 18.75

Return on Net Worth (RONW): 3.33%

Net Asset Value (NAV): INR14.9 per share

Registrar of UH Zaveri IPO

Karvy Computershare Private Limited
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32,
Gachibowli, Nanakramguda,
Hyderabad – 500 032, Telangana

Phone: +91 40 6716 2222 
 +91 40 2343 1551 
Website: www.karvycomputershare.com

UH Zaveri IPO Allotment Status

UH Zaveri IPO allotment status is now available on Karvy Computershare’s website. Click on this link to get allotment status.

Listing performance of UH Zaveri

IPO Opening Date: 8 May 2018

IPO Closing Date: 14 May 2018

Listing Date: 22 May 2018

Listing Price on BSE SME: INR27 per share (down 25% from IPO price)

Closing Price on BSE SME: INR25.65 per share (down 28.75% from IPO price)


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