ICICI Prudential Life logoICICI Prudential IPO

Established in 2001, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance claims to be the largest private sector life insurer in India. The company is a joint venture between India’s ICICI Bank and UK’s Prudential Corporation Holdings Limited. The company claims to have generated the most new business premiums on a retail weighted received premium basis among all private sector life insurers in India for every year since fiscal 2002.
As the name suggests, ICICI Prudential Life offers a range of insurance products, including but not limited to life insurance, health insurance and pension products.
On a retail weighted received premium basis, ICICI Prudential Life’s market share among all insurance companies in India (public and private sector) stood at 11.3% in FY2016. Among the 23 private sector life insurance companies in India, the company had a market share of 21.9% on a retail weighted received premium basis in FY2016.
The company sells its products through a nationwide network of branches of bank partners, individual agents, corporate agents, employees, offices and its website. As at March 31, 2016, the company had 121,016 individual agents. As of July 12, 2016, ICICI Prudential Life had banking partnership with over 4,500 branches. Bancassurance constituted 58.6% of its retail annualised premium equivalent in FY2016.
[vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”IPO Details” tab_id=”1458479750724-614c421f-343f8351-3bc081d1-3f79″]
Subscription Dates 19 – 21 September 2016
Price Band INR300 – 334 per share
Offer For Sale 181,341,058 shares (INR6,056.7 crore at upper end)
Total IPO size 181,341,058 shares (INR6,056.7 crore at upper end)
Minimum bid (lot size) 44 shares
Face Value  INR10 per share
Retail Allocation 35%
Listing On BSE, NSE
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”IPO Objectives” tab_id=”1458479750944-ca7931cb-810c8351-3bc081d1-3f79″]
Total issue size INR6,056.7 crore
Offer For Sale (OFS)  INR6,056.7 crore
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Capital structure” tab_id=”1458479806356-0ea35d5d-db868351-3bc081d1-3f79″]
Name of shareholder Equity Shares Percentage (%)
ICICI Bank 969,157,662 67.62
PCHL 370,784,884 25.87
M/s Hasham Traders 57,435,497 4.01
Compassvale Investments Pte. Ltd 28,717,748 2.00
Binayak Dutta 328,750 0.02
Puneet K Nanda 247,500 0.02
Kalpana Bharat Sampat 235,000 0.02
Binay Kumar Agarwala 185,000 0.01
Shuba Rao Mayya 175,000 0.01
Pankaj Jain 167,250 0.01
Total 1,427,434,291 100.00
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Financial performance” tab_id=”1458479824794-117a2258-dc648351-3bc081d1-3f79″]
ICICI Prudential’s consolidated financial performance (in INR crore)
  FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
Premium earned 13,927.8 13,417.2 12,282.6 15,160.4 18,998.7
Profit after tax 1,385.6 1,515.4 1,561.3 1,640.3 1,652.7
EPS (INR) 9.67 10.58 10.9 11.45 11.53

ICICI Prudential’s IPO Subscription Details

Category Shares offered Subscription (no. of times, 6 PM) 
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
QIB 32,641,391 0.05 0.59 11.83
NII 24,481,043  0.04  0.14 28.55
Retail 57,122,434  0.24  0.65 1.33
Shareholder reservation 18,134,105  0.20  0.47 12.20
Total  132,378,973  0.15  0.51 10.44

ICICI Prudential Life IPO Allotment Status

ICICI Prudential Life IPO allotment status is now available on Karvy Computershare’s website. Click on this link to get allotment status. You can also check allotment status using application number on this link

Articles about ICICI Pru Life

ICICI Prudential Contact Details

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company  
ICICI PruLife Towers,
1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai 400 025

Phone: +91 22 4039 1600
Fax: +91 22 6662 2031
Email: investor@iciciprulife.com 
Website: www.iciciprulife.com  

What we are reading

Registrar of ICICI Prudential Life IPO

Karvy Computershare Private Limited
Karvy House, 46, Avenue 4, Street No. 1,
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034
Andhra Pradesh, IndiaPhone: +91 40 23312454
Fax: +91 40 23311968
Email: einward.ris@karvy.com
Website: http://karisma.karvy.com

Listing Performance of ICICI Prudential Life IPO

IPO Opening Date: 19 September 2016

IPO Closing Date: 21 September 2016

Finalisation of Basis of Allotment: 26 September 2016

Initiation of refunds: 27 September 2016

Transfer of shares to demat accounts: 28 September 2016

Listing Date: 29 September 2016

Listing Price on NSE: INR330 per share (marginal discount to IPO price)

Closing Price on NSE: INR296.45 per share (discount of 11.2% over IPO price)


  1. No activity on this page. Boarders, is it not a good ipo to invest in, what are the latest grey market prices? Anyone please update

    • Gagandeep, kostak application rate is around 900 – 950. And GMP is still around 25 so not much movement. In such big IPOs, rates don’tr move very quickly so try your luck…

    • You have got 61 shares Vijay, congratulations. This must be extra allotment for ppl who applied for more than one lot. Since Karvy could not offer 88 shares, they have allotted 61 shares to such applicants. 44 shares to everyone and then 61 shares to big applications.

  2. I couldn’t find allotment status, It says No application found when i tried to check online or through message from Karvy. How can this be possible

  3. Karvy is only showing no application found. My account debited so I came to know it is allotted. Moreover it is given based on some % not by full lot size. I got 51% whereas my friend got 60% of the application.

    Any guess on the listing price. Experts!!!

  4. ICICI Pru listing above 370 for sure but it is a good stock to keep in the portfolio for long term. Ifthe mkts are good, it can cross 400 within the week.

  5. What I said about these IPOs, all are bad for retail investors. Discount listing and now more small investors will sell. Just wait 270 is not far…

  6. Mostly I don’t advertise my trades but I bought 500 shares yesterday when others were trashing ICICI Prudential. I know it is not going to be a multibagger but I’ll make some money…


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