Ujjivan Financial IPO

Ujjivan IPO

Ujjivan Financial IPO details – Ujjivan started operations as an NBFC in 2005 with the mission of providing a full range of financial services to the economically active poor who are not adequately served by financial institutions. The company’s business is primarily based on the joint liability group lending model for providing collateral free, small ticket-size loans to economically active women. Ujjivan also offers individual loans to Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs).

As of 31 December 2015, Ujjivan had operations spread across 24 states and union territories, and 209 districts across India. The company served over 2.77 million active customers through 470 branches as of December 2015. Employing 7,862 workers, Ujjivan’s gross assets under management (AUM) stood at INR45.89 billion as of December 2015. The company had approximately 11.15% of market share of the NBFC-MFI business in India as of 30 September 2015.

With initial focus on the urban and semi-urban poor, Ujjivan has gradually catered to an increasing number of rural customers, and as of December 2015, approximately 29%, 37% and 34% of its total customers comprise of rural, semiurban and urban customers, respectively.

Ujjivan is one of the 10 companies to have received in-principle approval from the RBI to set up a small finance bank (SFB).

Ujjivan Financial has no identifiable promoters in terms of SEBI ICDR regulations or the Companies Act 2013.

Subscription Dates 28 April – 2 May 2016
Price Band INR207 – 210 per share
Issue Size INR875 – 882.5 crore
Face Value INR10 per share
Minimum Bid 70 shares
Retail Allocation 35%
Listing On BSE, NSE

The Net Proceeds of the fresh issue will be utilised for augmenting Ujjivan’s capital base in FY2017.

Capital structure

Biggest shareholders in Ujjivan Financial Services

Name of shareholder Equity Shares Percentage (%)
CDC Group Plc 10,932,696 10.80
Alena Private Limited 10,790,943 10.66
International Finance Corporation 10,202,406 10.08
NewQuest Asia Investments II Limited 8,199,522 8.10
Elevar Equity Mauritius 6,355,684 6.28
Sarva Capital LLC 5,870,426 5.80
Women’s World Banking Capital Partners, L.P. 5,406,628 5.34
Bajaj Holdings & Investment Limited 5,124,702 5.06
Sequoia Capital India Investments III 4,201,276 4.15
India Financial Inclusion Fund 3,508,772 3.47
Total 70,593,055 69.77

Financial performance

Ujjivan’s financial performance (in INR crore)

  FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015
Total revenue 156.4 156.3 233.9 357.6 611.8
Total expenses 139.1 156.4 186.2 268.8 497.3
Profit/(loss) after tax 11.6 0.1 32.8 58.4 75.7

Ujjivan Financial IPO Subscription Details

Category Shares offered Subscription (No. of times) 
Day 1 (at 5 PM) Day 2 (at 6 PM) Day 3 (at 7PM)
QIB   8,528,311  0.00 0.61 34.33
NII   6,340,619  0.04  0.32 136.25
Retail   14,794,776  0.39  1.06 3.99
Total   29,663,706 0.20  0.78 41.00

Ujjivan Financial Contact Details

Ujjivan Financial Services Ltd
Grape Garden, No. 27, 3rd A Cross,
18th Main 6th Block,
Koramangala, Bengaluru, 560095 Phone: +91 8040712121
Fax: +91 8041468700
Email: compliance@ujjivan.com
Website: http://www.ujjivan.com

What we are reading

Your Story: A tale of success in microfinance

Forbes: The Men Who Made Microfinance Work

Registrar of Ujjivan Financial IPO

Karvy Computershare Private Limited
Karvy House, 46, Avenue 4, Street No. 1,
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034
Andhra Pradesh, India Phone: +91 40 23312454
Fax: +91 40 23311968
Email: einward.ris@karvy.com
Website: http://karisma.karvy.com

Listing Performance of Ujjivan Financial IPO

IPO Closing Date: 2 May 2016

Finalisation of Basis of Allotment: 5 May 2016

Initiation of refunds: 6 May 2016

Transfer of shares to demat accounts: 9 May 2016

Listing Date: 10 May 2016

Listing Price on NSE: INR231.9 (10.4% premium over IPO price)

Closing Price on NSE: INR233.2 (11% return over IPO price)


    • Niladri, Ujjivan is rocking. Are you still holding this gem? I cashed out too early and terrifiied of buying at current levels.


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