How Many Companies are Listed in NSE?


How many companies are listed in NSE?

Have you ever contemplated the number of companies listed on the NSE (National Stock Exchange), given that it is the largest stock exchange in India by turnover? Being almost ten times larger than its rival BSE, the NSE has attracted considerable interest from investors, whether they know it or not.

how many companies are listed in nse

How Many Companies are Listed in NSE?

Let’s clarify the matter and offer you a conclusive answer. As of 31 January 2025, the total number of companies registered on the NSE stood at 2,498. Additionally, this figure encompasses 435 companies listed on the SME platform (Small and Medium Enterprises).

NSE Listed Companies

To offer additional clarity on the expansion of companies listed on the NSE, let’s examine the statistics from earlier fiscal years:

 YearTotal companies listed in NSE
CY 20252,498
FY 20242,379
FY 20232,137
FY 20222,012
FY 20212,003
FY 20201,913
FY 20191,799
Source: NSE

Total companies listed in FY 2024, mark a slight rise of 11.32% from the previous year’s total of 2,137. While the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) features a significantly larger total of 5,862 listed companies as of 31 January 2025, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) retains its status as India’s premier stock exchange in terms of turnover, trading volumes, and liquidity.

Read Also: Difference between NSE and BSE

Series Included in NSE

NSE-listed companies are classified based on various criteria, including asset class and compliance, with each assigned a distinct two-letter series. Let’s explore some of these series for companies listed on the NSE:

EQ Series – Equity: The EQ series includes the vast majority of companies listed on India’s largest stock exchange by turnover. As of 31 January 2025, there were 1,772 companies registered on the NSE under the EQ series. Importantly, this series facilitates both intraday trading and the delivery of securities.

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BE Series – Book Entry: Previously utilized for rolling settlement until 2 July 2001, the BE series now denotes Trade for Trade securities under surveillance. Securities in this category are settled on a trade-for-trade basis without netting. Intraday trading is prohibited within this series.

As of 31 January 2025, the list of BE series stocks on the NSE included 268 stocks. The decision to shift securities into the Trade for Trade segment is based on factors such as PE ratio, price fluctuations, and market capitalization.

BZ Series – Non-Compliant Equities: The BZ series signifies securities in the Trade for Trade (Z category) due to a failure to meet certain listing criteria. As of 31 January 2025, the roster of BZ series stocks on the NSE comprised 23 stocks.

GB Series – Gold Bonds: Currently, all the bonds in the GB series are issued by the government.

SeriesDescriptionNo. of companies
EQ seriesEquity1,772
BEEquity (T2T)268
BZEquity (T2T)23
GBGold BondsNIL
N1 – N9
Non-Convertible Debt instruments508
SMEquity (SME)243
STEquity (T2T)190
SZEquity (T2T)2
Information as of 31 January 2025

Factors Affecting the Number of Companies Listed in NSE

The number of companies listed on the NSE is not fixed; it fluctuates continuously due to various factors, including new initial public offerings (IPOs) and the removal of underperforming companies resulting from mergers, delistings, and other circumstances.

Strict listing standards significantly influence the removal of companies from stock exchanges. Furthermore, mergers and acquisitions have a direct effect on the total count of companies registered with the NSE. Due to the high listing criteria and associated expenses on the NSE, many companies opt to delist voluntarily through open offers. This phenomenon is particularly evident among small-cap stocks and companies that exhibit weak business models.

how many stocks are listed in nse


With 2,498 companies listed, the NSE is recognized as India’s largest stock exchange based on turnover, trading volumes, and liquidity, outpacing its rival, the BSE. The categorization of listed companies on the NSE into various categories offers investors a key perception of their attributes and trading opportunities. However, it is vital to recognize that the number of registered companies on the NSE is fluid, shaped by factors such as new IPOs, mergers, and delistings. By remaining updated on this shifting environment, investors can make better-informed choices in the constantly evolving realm of stock trading.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many stocks are listed in NSE?

The number of NSE-listed stocks stood at 2,498 as of 31 January 2025.

Which are the most popular NSE series?

On NSE, the highest number of companies are traded in the EQ, BE, SM, and ST series. Please check the article for full forms and more details about this series.

What are EQ series shares?

EQ stands for Equity. Normal trading, as well as intraday trading, is done in this category.

What is the difference between EQ and BE?

The key difference between EQ and BE is regarding the nature of settlement. BE series is used to indicate Trade for Trade securities under surveillance and thus, no intraday trading is allowed in the stocks in this series.


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